Winter Solstice: An Artist's Altar

I love this dark seasonal time leading to the longest night of the year— a juicy, gestational time of introspection, expectation, intent, and possibility.

I've tended to an altar in my studio space for many, many years. I've kept some kind of altar since I was nineteen. I like being open to the poetry of symbols— its not a matter of 'belief' but of possibility: what are the possibilities of meaning-making and intention-setting? An altar is a site to gather energy, focus work and life intentions, and honor what is right for you.

And every earth rotation— at the end of the year— I ‘winter’-clean and rearrange my studio space so it is ready to receive the creative energy of the coming year., a candle, photos, drawings, affirmations...

I love tarot decks and animal spirit cards, and Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt's Oblique Strategies: a deck encouraging creative possibilities like:
‘Go outside. Shut the door’
‘Not building a wall but making a brick’
’Into the impossible’


What do you intend for 2020?
