Summer Review: Austin, London & Beyond

In late July and early August I spent a couple of weeks in the UK seeing ALL THE OLD THINGZ! and spreading artistic work around. Dancer and choreographer, Meg Brooker and I presented a workshop on our recent KASSANDRA work at the Isadora Duncan International Symposium in London at The Place. You can read more about KASSANDRA here, including deets about the premiere performance in Austin, Texas this past June.

Video excerpt of the premiere performance of KASSANDRA:

KASSANDRA: a new voice & dance work exploring the iconic prophetess whom no one believes. Meg Brooker: dancer & choreographer Misha Penton: soprano & libretto Text adapted from John Harvey's haunting translation of Aeschylus' Agamemnon. JUNE 28 & 29 - Dancestry anew presented by Shay Ishii Dance Company. Long Center, Austin

My experimental film Enchant(ed) exhibited at the Art at the Alison Richards Building’s Summer Open at Cambridge University and I workshopped my improv postopera score Visible Darkness at the Music and/as Process Royal Music Association Conference. Read about the conference wonders here!

The Wonders of Wandering…
