Blue Moon


I hope you’re all enjoying the beautiful big blue moon this weekend and basking in its light. It’s a 4th moon within a season rather than three, so we will have 13 full moons this year instead of 12. Ride this extra burst of energy for centering, envisioning, dreaming-up, and bringing-forth.

What are you planting, sowing, or harvesting in these dog days of summer?

Photo: Raul Casares

Photo: Raul Casares

I’ve been thinking a lot about energy movement. Some of my projects provide instant gratification like my Micro Opera projects of 2020; but others span a year or two like my forthcoming three-video EP Radiant Poison; or 4-5+ years like my doctorate. Sometimes the longer projects feel like they’re moving slowly through a bog—especially near their fruition. When I feel this slow-down, I visualize moving this energy as a forceful rush of water through a giant pipeline.

I’ve been retooling my Lab (what I call the complete takeover of my studio in the living-dining room); updating my website; composing some new Misha Music Mini Works coming this fall, inspired by moon phases and sacred texts (think Book of Genesis and the Nordic Poetic Edda); plotting collaborations; continuing work on video editing of the EP for release this winter; and finalizing the very-final version of my doctorate for its very-final submittal.

Bass traps going into the corners; note the Fairy Infestation under the desk!

Bass traps going into the corners; note the Fairy Infestation under the desk!

My other favorite haunts continue to be fitness/workouts and cooking, cooking, cooking!

Hang in there, lovies, and #stayinspired

Still from Radiant Poison. Filmed at Race Point on Cape Cod, June 2021. Cinematography: Dave Nickerson

Still from Radiant Poison. Filmed at Race Point on Cape Cod, June 2021. Cinematography: Dave Nickerson

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